Never let a good salary signal go to waste. Here is a meta-assembly of hospitalist, as well as comparator specialties, of 2018-19 salary moves courtesy of Modern Healthcare. It is useful seeing the various estimates from the leading consultants, placement firms, and intelligentsia to get some bearings on the pay trends, Covid notwithstanding.
This is the time of year to sit back at night, in front of the fireplace, a cup of hot chocolate in hand, warming up after the coolness of the day. As I sip, I notice the marshmallows bobbing up and down and reflect on the impact those white confections have in medicine. Yes, marshmallows […]
Look up from your stack of journals lately? You will note DNA analysis has gotten awfully popular. Mom, dad, and the rest of the clan want in and the temptation to obtain the blueprint that makes you, you has an almost hypnotic-like draw. You are curious if what grandma told you—half of your “G, C, […]
You have read constant references about ACOs (accountable care organizations) in every journal you pick up until you are blue in the face, I’m sure. You or your hospital might even be participating in one. Mostly all straight Medicare patients (the two-thirds not in Managed Medicare) are eligible for inclusion. You need two things to […]
Like you, I am focused on care transitions these days. Inpatient providers have gotten closer to mastering the hospital side of things (disease-specific care), but we still have a long way to go on broad-based QI with items such as hand washing, nosocomial infections, and patient communication. Additionally, the patient’s passage back from the wards […]
Seen the State of Hospital Medicine report for 2018? I have, and there is erudition galore. Here is one that has me contemplating. I was surprised to see the breakdown below. Not so long ago, I would say less than ten years, the scatter for adults was more balanced. By that I mean, the 99222 codes were […]