This week, the Journal of Hospital Medicine returned from a summer hiatus with a #JHMChat about academic productivity and promotion. As recently discussed in our September issue by Drs. Andrew Sumarsono and Neil Keshvani, et al, the median number of publications for hospitalists at academic medical centers is zero. I’ll say that one more time: ZERO! Unsurprisingly, a lack of publications was found to correlate with a low rate of promotion among hospitalists. We invited Dr. Avital O’Glasser, a hospitalist at Oregon Health Sciences University, as our special guest as we explored practical solutions to enhance academic productivity among hospitalists, an area that she herself has ironically, published on.
Many participants shared their personal struggles with getting published. Some hospitalists have a hard time generating inertia on the front end of a project but can drive it over the finish line. Others are productive at the idea-generating stage but grind to a halt toward the end as they fumble with formatting requirements and responding to reviewers’ comments.
A1. Love coming up with ideas and planning/doing, looking at results. Then want to move on to my next idea. Writing it up takes away from all the things that fill my bucket and bring me joy. #JHMChat
— Christiana Renner (@RennerCS) September 28, 2021
Many hospitalists bemoaned never having any formal training in statistics or study design. Dr. Jess Dreicer highlighted that there are no hard deadlines for most publications. Dr. Keshvani pointed out that science is a team sport, and it is easier to hold yourself accountable when you are collaborating in a group. Dr. Sumarsono shared his personal philosophy: never be the reason a project stalls.
Agree with science as a team sport. I’ve found collaborations incredibly valuable from both the perspective of improving the idea and methodology but also for holding one another accountable. Harder to let a deadline “slip” when you are a part of a team #JHMChat
— Neil Keshvani (@NeilKeshvani) September 28, 2021
Definitely helpful to keep projects moving forward. My personal goal is to never be the reason a project stalls and to move things to other people’s desks as fast as possible. #JHMChat
— Andrew Sumarsono (@adsumarsono) September 28, 2021
Another hot topic was the value placed on other activities like medical education and hospital leadership roles as institutions consider individuals for promotion. Dr. Vinny Arora, who is on the promotions committee at the University of Chicago, reported that the key is showing the impact of your roles. Work that is internally impactful at one’s institution can gain outside recognition through national meetings, presentations, and social media.
A2 I’m on our promotions committee and these things are valued but the key is ensuring documenting the impact of these roles AND recognition. #JHMChat
— Vinny Arora MD MAPP (@FutureDocs) September 28, 2021
So how can we improve? There was widespread consensus about some of the factors that hospital medicine divisions need to work on, including mentorship, funding for protected time, and hired statistical support.
Several participants praised the benefits of mentorship, including peer mentorship. Cross-departmental or cross-institutional relationships are key. Several participants brought up structured approaches to building mentorship structures. Dr. Erin Shaughnessy of the University of Alabama at Birmingham suggested the use of career development committees (CDCs) to guide junior hospitalists. Dr. Sonya Tang Gridwood brought up scholarly writing accountability groups (SWAG).
@BusymomJen this should probably become a paper… #JHMChat
— Erin Shaughnessy MD (@ErinShaughness4) September 28, 2021
1) Virtual #SWAG (scholarly writing accountability groups): @AJenkins_MD @DrAnita_Shah @RebeccaSteuart spend Wed AMs writing on Zoom after peer mentorship
2) Virtual grant/K clubs – led by @jmomdphd with my small group who reviews my grants – @jillianmcotter @AntoonMD #JHMChat— Sonya Tang Girdwood ? ??, MD, PhD (@STangGirdwood) September 28, 2021
I cannot say enough about the ways in which peer mentorship has contributed to my own academic productivity. This has been an amazing #JHMChat
— Ndidi Unaka MD, MEd (@NdidiUnaka) September 28, 2021
Dr. Ndidi Unaka highlighted that division leaders should know what their hospitalists’ interests are and work to align those interests with opportunities for scholarly work. Dr. O’Glasser also emphasized the importance of helping junior faculty explore their interests early in their hospitalist career.
A4: Section and division leaders should 1) have an infrastructure for mentorship, 2) find ways to foster collaborations on scholarly work within their groups, 3) ensure they know what hospitalists in their groups are interested in and align those goals with opportunities #JHMChat
— Ndidi Unaka MD, MEd (@NdidiUnaka) September 28, 2021
mentorship early
I think many (not all) hospitalists enter hospital medicine cause they don’t know where their passions are. Help people explore them EARLY in their hospitalist careers
— Avital O’Glasser, MD FACP FHM (she/her) (@aoglasser) September 28, 2021
Multi-faceted approach likely needed
1? Develop curriculum to cultivate research skills for the interested
2? If pubs matter, then divisions should provide stats support
3? Collabs across specialties & institutions
4? Promotion criteria should be congruent with FTE allocation— Andrew Sumarsono (@adsumarsono) September 28, 2021
There are many ways to publish, even through traditional journals. For example, in addition to original research, the Journal of Hospital Medicine publishes a variety or article types that allow authors to share learnings and viewpoints including: Leadership and Professional Development, Clinical Case Conundrums, Things We Do For No Reason™, and Point-Counterpoint.
We all face barriers to academic productivity. However, as Dr. Sumarsono pointed out, just like Hospital Medicine is the hub of inpatient medicine, we are also poised to be the hub of inpatient research. This #JHMChat was packed full of practical approaches to increase academic productivity.
Also, considering that HM cares for a broad spectrum of diseases, collabs across IM subspecialties will advance the field faster. Just like HM is the hub of inpatient care, HM can be the hub of inpatient research. #JHMChat
— Andrew Sumarsono (@adsumarsono) September 28, 2021
If you missed this month’s #JHMChat, not to worry! We will be back again on October 11th at 9 p.m. ET. We hope you’ll join us! Don’t know how to participate? Check out directions here.
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